Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A New Banner!

I decided to invest in a new banner for my craft markets this season. I decided to use Vistaprint even though I've heard not the best things about their business cards. (Should you care to know about that, I swear by for those.) So, I was pleasantly surprised when I unrolled the banners and both looked pretty good. Better yet I won't have to worry about my sign getting wet anymore. My previous sign was a thick white cardboard and was looking a little ratty.

But now, I need your help. I decided to do one vertical and one horizontal design to make sure that I had the look I wanted for the upcoming season. I'm not going to tell you which one I favor, and let you pick. Problem is, I can't decide which looks better. You know that feeling you get when you're too close to a design to properly assess it?? That's the way I feel.

Vertical Banner

Horizontal Banner

So, give me a hand by commenting, and I'll be forever grateful!!

From black-fly infested NH,


The Sewing Dork said...

The colors in the vertical banner definately draw my attention moreso than the second banner. I also love kid face shots, but I find they distract from the clothing and for that same reason, the shirt in the first banner makes me want to look closer at what you are selling.

DianeY said...

I definitely like the vertical one, especially with the printing over part of the photo. I think the horizontal one reminds me of a Christmas card from the photo lab

Anonymous said...

Vertical for sure!

- Lisa DeMio

icicle said...

Vertical! You can see more of the clothes :)

Anonymous said...

Vertical banner does your creations more justice and I agree that the horizontal looks a little Christmas card-ish.


Jennifer Painter said...

I'm loving the vertical one. It is so classic and beautiful! The little shirt is amazing and your daughter is so csweet in that one with her cute braids.

Michelle W. said...

I love the vertical one. That shirt is sooo precious and I love the fabric!

Duzza Bear said...

Ditto on vertical!

Tonya said...

Definitely vertical! It really captures the eye!

Misty said...


Cathy said...

Vertical is great for business but the horizontal one cracks me up....what a cutie pie! But as someone mentioned you want to bring attention to the business so I vote vertical!

julia said...

I prefer the vertical one which focuses more on the clothes.

Tammy @ she wears flowers said...

Definitely like the vertical! I perused the comments to see if I was a loner--glad I was not!

Gina said...

Oh I love the vertical one!


FrancisMoore said...

Definitely the vertical banner.

Nancy said...

Hands down the vertical one is a go.

Sarah said...


Laura said...

It is so lovely and sweet. It's laid out just right.

Marmie Dukes said...

Love the vertical one made me look at the pretty dress moreso. x

Wholesale freshwater Pearl said...

I have made so many clothes from it they are worth every taka and I don't speak a word of bangla and I am not the best sewer either

Silver Wire said...

Definitely what a cutie pie.

Lobster Claw Clasp said...

Oh It is so lovely and sweet

Scrubs said...

Our children's boutique specializes in special occasion girls dresses

Roseann said...

It won't work in reality, that's exactly what I consider. said...

Vertical banner is cute..

Unknown said...

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